About Us
Rental of construction equipment in Miyagi

ABE Shinichiro CEO
Elupida Aoba Co., Ltd. is a company which specializes in the rental, repair, and sale of construction equipment and other heavy machinery. It prides itself in very fast response time and a dedication to its customers and the whole community. This work is particularly important in times of natural disasters; machines need to be dependably operational in order to help those in need.
Town development and happiness
Elupida Aobaʼs aim is to contribute to town development and customer satisfaction with excellent construction machinery. They vow to provide reliable service to appreciated customers. They also aim to create a safe and diverse workplace for employees, where they are motivated to work hard for a longterm to contribute to their community.
Image of Ideal Candidates
Honesty is most important
The ideal candidates a for job at Elupida Aoba should be honest and kind. There is a heavy focus on personal growth and development, for which the ʻfoundationʼ needs to be strong. Elupida Aoba not only teaches its employees the basic skills needed to preform a job, but it is incredibly invested in helping its young staff develop important life skills and values through, for example, community service work or business trips.
The Strong Point of Our Company

HAYASAKA Yuta sales department
Mr. Hayasaka explained to us that majority of his coworkers are relatively young, so they are very approachable. According to Mr. Hayasaka, employees are all very kind people; if you have any struggles, not only other younger workers, but senior workers will listen and help you anytime and anywhere with all their effort.
International students would like to know
How international is the staff?
As of now, there is no foreign workers at Elupida Aoba. Mr. Abe hopes that this will change in the future! According to Mr. Abe, it would have a big impact to the company to have a more international work force. A high level of Japanese language proficiency isnʼt even a requirement depending on the position a person applies for!
Why there are so many projects?
The many social welfare projects are not just for the sake of the community or a ʻThank Youʼ to their loyal customers. Mr. Abe explained that the additional work done is vital for the personal development of their young employees. The employees donʼt only learn basic skills (like gardening!), but also the importance of giving back to the community and investing yourself in the environment. Employees at Elupida Aoba, donʼt just work for the company, they work for the community.