
Improving Sendai citizens’ lifestyle

Company Profile

  • Address 983-0035 Hinode-cho 2-5-4, Miyagino, Sendai city
  • TEL 022-782-5777
  • FAX 022-782-5778
  • WEB
  • CEO SUGAWARA Hironori
  • Capital 25 Million Yen
  • Year of establishment 1985

About Us

Services improving the quality of life

SUGAWARA Keita Managing director

Seigetsuki is a company that provides various services, mainly in the Sendai city. Seigetsuki’s main business is the organization of funerals, but they also try to provide different services such as “lifestyle concierge” and luxury car rental in order to improve Sendai citizensʼ daily life. Seigetsuki guides its customers through each step and offers individual services to every customer.


New services for a better lifestyle

Seigetsuki wants to make the city of Sendai more active through their services which allow people who want to get out of their routine to enjoy various activities. In the future, the company hopes to create new services in order to continue making customers happy and to improve existing services to be even more efficient. They wish to bring a wind of renewal to the city of Sendai.

Image of Ideal Candidates

Communication is the Key

Seigetsuki’s employees are skilled to communicate effectively with their customers. The company is looking for people with an aptitude for effective communication who are ready to respect company’s rules and follow its vision. The company wants to recruit ambitious people who would work in the department that suits them. This company provides various services, so there is a wider range of job opportunities.


Warm welcome message from employees


“Dear international students, there are a lot of attractive companies in Sendai, so please explore them. Your cleverness will be helpful for us. Thank you.”

International students would like to know

Future opportunities

What is the most important skill to have as an international student? Does the company think it is difficult to integrate foreign workers into their Japanese workplace? The answer is, “Seigetsuki opens its doors to all international students wishing to work in one of the departments.” The company is currently recruiting eight foreign workers for their child-oriented English lessons service. They give international students the opportunity to apply for a job, but a strong motivation and sufficient communication skills in Japanese are required.

Seigetsuki’s global vision

Is Seigetsuki going to recruit international students in the future? In modern Japan, population ageing is a serious problem from both social and economic aspects. This is a serious problem for Seigetsuki as well because that means the numbers of company’s customers will be decreasing in the future. Seigetsuki is aware of this and wants to become internationalized. If there will be any opportunity, the company thinks about expanding their business outside Sendai and hiring international students.

Message Movie


BRAHAMI Mael Grenoble Alpes University/ Tohoku University

It was a great experience to be able to interview such a great company like Seigetsuki. I think that their vision of making people’s life easier is really motivating. I think that creating different services to improve citizens’ life is very enriching for the city of Sendai.

KAMEOKA Satsuki Tohoku University

During this interview I was impressed by the company’s hospitality and eagerness to make Sendai thrive. I realized that Seigetsuki plays a significant role in people’s lives and in the future of Sendai.