NSC“Network System Creator’s Corporation”

An IT corporation which enjoys provocative innovation

Company Profile

  • Address 1-6-9 Kokubuncho, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Manulife Place Sendai. Floor 8
  • TEL 022-221-9101
  • FAX 022-221-9102
  • WEB https://www.nsc-inc.co.jp/
  • CEO TAKAYA Natsuo
  • Capital 85.5 million yen
  • Year of establishment 1997

About Us

Providing services that are more valuable to our customers

TAKAYA Masahiro
Human Resource

NSC, Ltd. is headquartered in Sendai City, and focuses on business system development and network construction. Beyond automotive products, our company is strengthening its ability for consistent in-house development. Not all of the work involved is showy, but it’s all necessary in order support the running of companies and public agencies, and for increasing work efficiency. NSC values discovering new possibilities not yet envisioned by our customers, and providing true added value.


A solid Challenge

The new project we are currently working on is the development of AI-based image analysis technology. In collaboration with universities, we are developing talent for this project. With our field of expertise at its core, we have steadily expanded the project. At present, we have about 120 employees. In the future, however, we hope to expand our workforce to about 300.

Image of Ideal Candidates

An IT company that doesn’t require you to have programming skills

At NSC, we aim to be a “fun” company, where all of our employees excitedly learn new things. For example, we intend to become a pioneer in familiarizing others with AI business. We do not necessarily always look for programming skills in prospective employees. There’s a six-month training period following entering the company, during which the necessary skills can be learned. Proof of Japanese language skills is also not a requirement, although communication skills are important — our company places a great deal of importance on communication.


We need new power

Sales Staff

We currently do not have any foreign staff, but we’re looking forward to finding international talent from among exchange students who can interact with specialized AI development using their knowledge of their own countries’ mainstream information systems. Such employees would have their own ideas unique from those of Japanese employees and could bring about special connections to personnel and markets in their own nations. At NSC, we take communication seriously. For this reason, we hope to be able to work alongside the sort of people who can actively state their own opinions, interact with those around them, foster superlative relationships, and bring energy to their workplace.

International students would like to know

NSC perspective on international staff

Most of our employees at NSC are involved in system development, but we're currently planning on diversifying our staff by employing foreign talent in order to carry out business operations to ensure advances into foreign markets and mindsets. While we currently lack foreign employees, as we are hoping to increase our international outlook, bring about a fresh atmosphere, and stimulate our workplace by working alongside foreign talent; we would look positively upon anyone applying to work with us who can communicate in Japanese.

The work environment at NSC

Our staff numbers around 120 people, with 60% of employees engaging in development for various client companies on projects they’re in charge of via systems development. As we rarely have a chance to gather as a single group, we generally have annual potlucks and barbeques and engage in group tourism in order to deepen the bonds between our coworkers.

Message Movie


RAHMA, Annisa Salsabila Tohoku University

I personally am really interested in Japanese IT companies and I found that NSC has a work environment quite different from traditional Japanese companies. I think NSC is unique because they don’t require applicants to have programming skills even if the position the applicant is applying for is as a software engineer or other IT-related position. I consider an even more unique aspect of NSC to be their drive to be ambitious while also making their efforts fun. Thus, despite putting extra effort into whatever they want to achieve, they still make the learning process interesting in order to develop the product in high spirits and with a great deal of engagement.

UMEMIYA Honoka Tohoku University

Takaya and Kenmotsu were very well mannered, detail-oriented, and provided polite answers, so I had a lot of fun interviewing them. I found it impressive that they could have a calm analysis of the situation in the IT industry, new possibilities, the current situation, issues, and the possibilities of NSC. I felt that it was a very warm company. I value not only what I learned about the company, but also the people who work together and their relationships with customers.