
Pursuing high-tech from Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, contributing to problem solving in Asia and the world.

Company Profile

  • Address 1-2-5 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture 3rd Shiraume Building 2F West
  • TEL 022-226-7025
  • FAX 022-774-2729
  • WEB
  • Capital 10 million yen
  • Year of establishment 2003

About Us

Japanese IT company with an international environment

Project Manager and CEO Ltd. is an IT corporation in Sendai City. While our main business is focused on software development and smartphone application development, we are also expanding into the field to cybersecurity. Focusing on the overseas market, and Asia in particular, we actively carry out transactions abroad and offer assistance with overseas expansion for corporations. We’re putting effort into employing foreign talent, and are making progress on internationalizing our company. Our goal is to use IT technology to contribute to making the Earth a place where the people of Asia and, of course, the world as a whole can have a better life and live in happiness.


Overseas expansion

We’re aiming to provide goods and services aimed at an international market in order to be able to carry out work that brings about happiness for the people of Asia and the world. In order to make this goal a reality, we’re exerting ourselves in order to increase our technical ability and accumulate real results. Currently our aim is to improve the food self-sufficiency rate of Hong Kong and Singapore, and we’re working hand in hand with local companies in order to develop the IoT tech necessary for this goal.

Image of Ideal Candidates

People with different skill sets and interest in learning new things aims to expand our business worldwide. For that purpose, we’re recruiting people with a variety of skills who have the ability to take on new learning. This is because, rather than placing precedence on specialization in a designated field, our company wants employees who learn a number of skills of their own accord, making those skills of use within their work for our corporation. If you’re that sort of person, we’d gladly bring you on — even if your specialization is in something like art. We’re also looking for people who can think about how to help the great number of people affected by globalization, and hope they can help communicate and pass on their ideas.


Welcoming people who are interested in IT

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International staff

At our company, our goal isn’t to specialize in IT, but rather to combine IT with some completely different field in order to expand into totally new zones of operation. That’s why we’re welcoming those who have previous experience studying in a specialized field who can pair that knowledge with an interest in IT.
Additionally, we’re hoping to entice talented personnel from a range of countries and regions, irrespective of nationality. Although we are a Japanese company, we have many foreign staff members working for us, and since they’re all such passionate people, their language acquisition doesn’t seem like such a major issue. Additionally, as a comparatively small-scale company, the space separating individuals seems quite small, providing an atmosphere in which communication and cooperation between staff members is easy to achieve.

International students would like to know

The exciting international environment at

At, we have people from a variety of backgrounds working with us, from the internship stage to permanent employees. By working together, we’re afforded chances to learn and grow. Additionally, since the working environment is very flexible, the ease with which we can all communicate together is a noticeable feature. The projects takes on make free use of technologies like game design and AI, allowing for a truly exciting feeling of working on the cutting edge.

What do prospective workers have to do to prepare to work at

In occupational categories related to IT, it is expected that applicants will prepare a portfolio on GitHub*1 or the like, and put together small projects by themselves. Software engineer employees can work at their own pace. They usually learn these skills via self-study using Udemy*2, are assigned to new projects, and are able to get the job done by making use of these new skills.
Please be aware that as there are language barriers when it comes to foreign individuals, we do need you to be able to carry out everyday conversations in Japanese.

*1 A platform for developers to work together that allows users to share code with millions of fellow developers

*2 An online learning platform. Its special feature is offering learning via video, in which someone who wants to teach can open up a lecture, those who want to learn can attend.

Message Movie


RAHMA, Annisa Salsabila Tohoku University

I’ve seen many IT companies in Japan that have a large number of international staff members, but with a non-Japanese CEO. However, is established in Japan with Japanese co-founders and a Japanese CEO. It really amazes me that the CEO is so welcoming and really open to having an international environment and towards prospective workers. They even have collaborated with other Asian countries. Based on my interview, working at is very flexible and they support their staff to learn new things in whatever way allows their new employees to feel most comfortable.

UMEMIYA Honoka Tohoku University

I was very surprised when I was interviewed, as was focusing on internationalization more than I had imagined. I was also impressed that they focus on the potential of IT and are actively trying to work in new areas. Knowing that I was also participating in projects that involved people and companies that were not related to the IT industry changed my image of the IT industry.